05 March 2009

America the Casual

In terms of the way we dress, I think it's great that America is a casual society. I love my Levis and t-shirts and am as thrilled as any woman that pantyhose have all but vanished.

But during a quick trip to the library the other night, I was reminded once again of a disturbing trend that may be pushing the casual thing just a bit too far--people wearing their flannel pajama pants out in public.

Now, I love my flannel pajama pants. They are warm and comfy during these long midwestern winters, and since I work at home, there are many times that I wear them all day. But I don't leave the house in them.

Listen--I'm not suggesting that people spend an hour getting dolled up to run to the library or the grocery store or the gas station. I'm talking about five minutes to throw on a pair of jeans. They can even be those dirty ones that are in a pile on the floor. Please. Because seriously, unless I'm sleeping with you, I DON"T WANT TO SEE YOU IN YOUR PAJAMAS.


  1. LOL!!! I walked out to the truck in my PJ pants yesterday! You know how it's in that parking lot just next door...I had to change the timer thing. I did put a knee length coat on, but I know people were thinking the same thing! :)

  2. Well, I can forgive that...at least you didn't get in your truck and go out.

  3. I read this yesterday and today when I was at the doctors office, this lady walked in wearing her flannel pajama pants, which I would have been okay with if she was deathly ill... but it was her kids who were sick (both of which were wearing jeans)! I definitely thought of you while I was staring at her PJ pants! :)

  4. Oh, no...it really is becoming a national trend. This is horrible! We must put a stop to it immediately. Perhaps this shall become my purpose in life...
