12 February 2009

The Worst Drivers on the Planet

Before I dive into the kitchen remodel, I thought I'd take just a moment to rant about something I'm reminded of every time I leave the house--the suburbs are teeming with soccer moms in SUVs, or who I like to call The Worst Drivers on the Planet.

You've seen them: They're usually blond with expert highlights, they wear expensive sunglasses, and they have a cell phone that's perpetually attached to their ear. For some reason, they've never gotten around to buying a Bluetooth, so they're always driving with one hand. They weave in and out of traffic, cut me off (because they realize they're in the wrong lane at the last minute), or my favorite, tailgate me because I am not observing their inalienable right to be in a hurry.

If I ever kill anyone, it will be a blond in an SUV who is tailgating me. I suspect I will beat her to death with her cell phone. And steal her sunglasses.


  1. Here in Hotlanta substitute SUV with HUMMER. Why on earth people own these monstrosities is beyond me.

  2. Yes, we have plenty of those, too. I always feel embarrassed for the people driving them. I don't get it either.
