28 January 2009

Why Rant?

So, one might ask, why rant about the suburbs? More to the point, why would someone live in a place they don't like? Well, like many of life's decisions, you never really know what you're getting into until you're there. After all, everyone (well, everyone we know) who has a decent job and children wants to live outside the city, in a too-big house surrounded by "good schools" and chain stores. So perhaps it was peer pressure that brought us here.

And, it's not all terrible...we've just decided that we'd be happier in the city. Our kids are leaving and we have this big house that eats up all our time, energy and money. Unfortunately, we came to this conclusion at the precise moment that the housing market fell apart. So, we'll have to stick it out for a few more years. In the meantime, I think it will be fun to make some observations about, well, just about anything that comes to mind. I'm sure that all my thoughts will be frighteningly witty.

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