02 April 2009

Fun with Facebook

In an effort to take another step into the 21st century, I created a Facebook page. Perhaps "created" is too strong a word, as I have no idea what I'm doing there. It's more accurate to say I signed up with Facebook, just to see what all the fuss is about.

On first glance, it seems to be a silly, guilty pleasure--a way to give into our narcissistic tendencies. We can write whatever we want and "talk" about ourselves endlessly without interruption. And the best part is we don't have to listen to anyone else talk about themselves unless we want to.

The part that freaks me out a little bit (beyond the fact that I don't know what I'm doing) is the popularity aspect. It's all about how many friends you have. I had an intense high school flashback as, upon signing up, there appeared the blaring sentence, "You have no friends." So the race was on to get someone--anyone--to be my friend. Of course, that's what the site is all about--ways to find friends. So now, about 24 hours after setting up my page, I have 9 friends--although five of them are related to me. My sister-in-law, on the other hand, has 381 friends. How is that even possible? I'm sure I haven't spoken to 381 people in my entire life.

So, if you're on Facebook and haven't done so already, will you please be my friend? My self-esteem depends on it.


  1. Your sister-in-law is a freak who #1 cannot stop talking to everyone she sees (that lady in the grocery store!!) and #2 cannot NOT say yes if someone asks to be her friend, and #3 cannot ever delete anyone.

  2. Yes, but she is a freak who has lots of friends!

  3. Just so you'll know, when said sister-in-law was home for Christmas, I made her sit down with me at the computer and we went through her facebook friends. I was not surprised that she knew every single one of those people.

    381. So freakish and so so so friendly.

  4. That is unfathomable to me. I bet I could sit down and list every name I could think of--including famous people, rock stars, authors, fictional characters--and still would not come up with 381 people. And I see she's up to 389. $50 says she'll be to 400 by the end of next week.

    Thanks for writing!
